Funerals 101
The ultimate guide to information about funerals and funeral planning.

Loosing a loved one is difficult enough, but it can be especially difficult if you are playing a role in the of handling the planning of their funeral service and memorial celebration. Many people have never had to do anything like this before. There are so many questions and details, that it can feel overwhelming. That’s why we’ve put together this collection of our most essential articles and information you need to help you understand how to manage the death of a loved on and planning a funeral.
The ultimate survivors guide on how to plan a funeral. Including a comprehensive funeral planning checklist starting with what to do when someone dies. One of our most popular and useful pages, you could call it “How to Plan a Funeral” or “Funeral Planning Checklist” or even “Funeral Arrangements Checklist”:
To Do Immediately After Death
Funeral Arrangements to be made
Facts to Find for Obituary
Other Things to Do Before Funeral
Documents to Locate
Notify the Following
Bills To Be Paid
Things to do after the Funeral